Sunday, 19 April 2020

WW2 British Paras

During this lockdown I have managed to get my British Paras to a useful stage.

Three full sections for CoC, plenty of higher command options plus a Glider (Airfix), a 6pdr anti tank gun, HMG team, PIAT and 2"mortar teams, Medics and a sniper. There is even a radio man as a FOO.
A couple jeeps and trailers in there too.

The carts I have used as JoPs. So also could the 3d printed parachutes.

Still on the painting table is another section and additional 2"mortar and PIAT teams as further support options. I still have a couple of plastic fig's left on the sprue that I might attempt to make into some extra crew figures.

Thanks Gav. I have finally painted these two.

Tuesday, 14 April 2020

Rorke's Drift buildings

The last post from me, before the lockdown, was one of one of our Rorke's Drift games.
After that game I decided to have a go at making the buildings.

Mainly made from foam board and 3mm MDF.

They have been used a few times since. I have included a few photos from one of those times.

Not perfect, I know but they will do the job.

The first three photos are from my phone( poor quality)

The store, out house, and ovens.

The store

The hospital.

I made a redoubt for it too.

Saturday, 11 April 2020

The Rescue mission

This is yet another game we played at some piont over the last year or so.

A sub was dropped off a couple of groups of troops along the English coast to rescue a captured agent.

They had to meet up with a German spy who would be able to inform them where the agent was being held.

After having collected the agent all the Germans had to do was get back to the sub and off back home.

However the Home Guard had other ideas.

We used Rugged adventure rules for this game.

Thursday, 9 April 2020

More Chain of Command

With the lockdown in place it has given me some time to go through some of the many photos from some of our games . Putting them up here for the boys to remember them and anyone else that might be interested .

 This is another game from last year.

CoC with a few mods to suit.