Friday 16 September 2011

AWI Battle.

Last week the Southern Strategists played an AWI game using Regimental Fire and Fury rules. Many more photos on our group blog

Wayne's British clash with the Continentals

 Glover's Marblehead regiment is another unit from Eureka that bought while in Australia on holiday a few years back. GMB flags again.
14th Continental, also known as Glover's Marblehead Regiment.
All the British troops are painted by Wayne from
Check out Wayne's blog for more photos of his fine work.

There is also a post there about the Osprey title he has written due out next month.


  1. Now that all looks a jolly nice game Rodger and I like the look of the fencing.

  2. Looks like a very nice game, good pictures of nicely painted minis, very inspiring !!!

    Best regards dalauppror

  3. Nice pictures and figures, will check the other blog out.

  4. Beautiful figures and terrain. Best, ean

  5. VERY nice, as always really!

    I could really get into AWI but it takes a real group focus to do it right
