Tuesday, 14 April 2020

Rorke's Drift buildings

The last post from me, before the lockdown, was one of one of our Rorke's Drift games.
After that game I decided to have a go at making the buildings.

Mainly made from foam board and 3mm MDF.

They have been used a few times since. I have included a few photos from one of those times.

Not perfect, I know but they will do the job.

The first three photos are from my phone( poor quality)

The store, out house, and ovens.

The store

The hospital.

I made a redoubt for it too.


  1. These look amazing Rodger, are they scratch built?

  2. Excellent job on the buildings Roger. A great period and battle to game.

  3. Good stuff such a famous battle and yet a very hard one to play/game always impressed when people give it a go 👍

  4. Not perfect? They look AMAZING to me!

  5. Lovely buildings and amazing game. I just realised that I have never replayed that famous game... shame on me...

  6. Very nice !
    This job is great.

  7. I really like how you built the Rorke's Drift buildings.
