Saturday 11 April 2020

The Rescue mission

This is yet another game we played at some piont over the last year or so.

A sub was dropped off a couple of groups of troops along the English coast to rescue a captured agent.

They had to meet up with a German spy who would be able to inform them where the agent was being held.

After having collected the agent all the Germans had to do was get back to the sub and off back home.

However the Home Guard had other ideas.

We used Rugged adventure rules for this game.


  1. Fantastic looking game, how big is that sub?

    1. Thanks Craig. The sub would probably about 2'long.
      The table was 8X6 so I am guessing going by the first photo.

  2. Yet another fantastic looking game Rodger.

  3. What a pleasure for us to look at such a splendid terrain...Awesome!

  4. Nice set-up and pix, Rodger, but... how did the action go?

    1. From memory the Germans got to the spy( the female in British uniform) but the Home Guard rolled very well and took out most of the Germans comfortably enough.I don't think we even got to the agent.

  5. Wow! Another cracking looking game Rodger.

  6. Lovely pictures Rodger. Thank you for sharing.

  7. Excellent looking game Rodger.

  8. Nice looking game and an interesting story line to boot!

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