Showing posts with label 3D printed. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 3D printed. Show all posts

Sunday, 19 April 2020

WW2 British Paras

During this lockdown I have managed to get my British Paras to a useful stage.

Three full sections for CoC, plenty of higher command options plus a Glider (Airfix), a 6pdr anti tank gun, HMG team, PIAT and 2"mortar teams, Medics and a sniper. There is even a radio man as a FOO.
A couple jeeps and trailers in there too.

The carts I have used as JoPs. So also could the 3d printed parachutes.

Still on the painting table is another section and additional 2"mortar and PIAT teams as further support options. I still have a couple of plastic fig's left on the sprue that I might attempt to make into some extra crew figures.

Thanks Gav. I have finally painted these two.

Tuesday, 31 March 2020

Been doing a bit of terrain work.

It's been a very long time since my last post but I thought  would try and resurrect things here.

Having been confined to barracks for most the past week I have been able to spend some time on these buildings. Unfortunately they are not mine but I have really enjoyed painting them up.

3D printed buildings seem to be a very good wat to go these days.

I am including some photos of another 3d printed project. This Gear factory was painted last year, I think.

Now that I have a bit more time on my hands I will try and post a bit more.