Showing posts with label Volley and Bayonet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Volley and Bayonet. Show all posts

Sunday, 4 June 2017

The Boers stop the train.

A couple of Fridays ago we had a bit of a bash involving a train, the British army and some Boer raiders.

The Boers had blown the railway tracks north of the railway station. Knowing that the train would be well defended by the British the Boers hid in the rocks and scrub and waited.

When the train arrived they opened fire and were soon caught up in a fire fight with the troops on the train.

The Boers then found that they had insufficient  explosives to blow the other end of the tracks to trap the train. A few bits and pieces were tossed onto the tracks to hold the train up for a while.  Mounted troops were sent away to find more explosives and race back before the British army could come to the trains aid.

The train is under attack from the Boers on both sides.

More Boers prepare to hold off the advancing British.

British cavalry moving around to out flank the Boer position.

The British army arrive but the extra explosives are nowhere to be seen.

Minor damage to the tracks, near the station, prevents the train from leaving the area but it can still move up and down the line, from the station to the destroy piece of track, firing on the Boers and playing hard to get!

Finally the explosives arrive but the Boers are under a lot of pressure from the British.

Too much pressure in fact. The Boers that are carrying the extra explosives are routed before the charges can be laid.

The Boers are forced to give ground and now concentrate their efforts on the train it's self, hoping to capture it's contents before the British get too close.

With time running out the Boers try to overcome the trains defenders.

The British have taken the railway station and desperately try to fix the lines before the Boers gain control of the train.

The British just manage to get the railway lines repaired before the Boers take the train. With the track repaired the train steams away from the remaining Boers to the safety of the British lines.

Thanks to Adrian for another entertaining game.

Sunday, 12 February 2017

Somewhere in the Crimea.

Our recent Friday night game was based during the Crimean War.

The Russian army advances on two strongholds, one held by a small army from Sardinia and the other by the Turks.

The Sardinian held hill top.

The Turkish held redoubt.

The Russians have to attack swiftly before....

....the British arrive on the battlefield.

With some good luck the Russians take the redoubt.

On the Russian left flank things are going a little slower for them.

Eventually the Sardinian Army give way to the mass of Russians.

For the Russians it was just in time as the British make their appearance on the battlefield.

Russian cossacks slow up the British advance.

Over on the Russian left the British advance has bogged down.

but back at the redoubt the weight of British numbers begins to tell and they recapture the redoubt.

In the end the British save the day.  A very close game.

The rules were Volley and Bayonet and the figures were from Adrian's very fine collection.

Tuesday, 6 December 2016

Siege of Savannah.

Our last Friday night game was a 15mm AWI game based on the siege of Savannah.

 The French were in the centre and on the right flank.
 The French launch their attacks at the British held town while a ship starts blasting away in support.
 Brit's and loyalists defend the earthworks around the town of Savannah.
 The Americans waited in the distance for the French to do the hard work before they joined in.

Savannah river and town.

Navel guns pounding the town.

Another French attack builds in the fields.

 The French attacked the earthworks several times. A couple of times they did manage to get troops over the earthworks but each time the British countered and through them back.
 After numerous charges the French army was reduced to ruins. The British too were severely weakened and the Americans decided it was time to finish this thing.

They charged into the British right flank and forced their way over the earthworks and into the town. Slowly the British and their loyalist friends were forced further and further into Savannah. With the French no longer a threat the British were able to beef up their right and force out the Americans to keep Savannah in British hands.

Figures, buildings and terrain from Adrian's collections.

Rules were Volley and Bayonet.

Sunday, 4 September 2016

Rescuing the King of Piedmont.

Our last Friday night game was set during the Italian wars of Independence. The King of Piedmont had been wounded in an earlier battle and was resting up in a small town when the Austrian army came calling.

Fortunately for the King, the French Imperial guard were on hand to defend the town while reinforcements were called.

 The King's carriage awaits him outside the town as the first reinforcements stream across the bridge.
 The Austrians advance around the flank and....
 .....through the centre.
The town with French Imperial Guard in and around the area.

 The first of many Austrian attacks on the town.
 The reinforcements meet the flank attack.
 Cavalry appear on the other flank but they also meet some stiff opposition.
 With the Austrians struggling to breakthrough on the flanks they concentrate their efforts on the centre.
 Another attack on the town results in the Austrians regrouping again.

 The defenders of the town hanging on until the King is fit to move.

 Yet another attack on the town.
 The Austrians have some success and eventually capture the town along with the King.
The French however were not ready to give up and charged back in again regaining the town. Although desperately low on defenders the French are able to hang on long enough for the Austrians to give up the fight.

Another wonderful game of Volley and Bayonet.

Thanks to Adrian for the troops and buildings and for running a successful game.