Showing posts with label Lion Rampant. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lion Rampant. Show all posts

Tuesday, 27 December 2016

Lion Rampant

A bit slow at getting this one up. It was a Lion Rampant game we played a while ago on Friday night.

 Two army groups against two. One on each side of the river and both sides looking to control the town.

 Archers on both sides open up at the start, doing what they do best.
 Then some mounted troops arrive.
 The clashes between the foot troops ended up with one command on each side taking the worst of it.
 Stone walls and hedges are good to hide behind.

 It became a case of crossing the river and cleaning up.
 These mounted Knights soon got rid of these guys.
In the end the honers were pretty even !

Wednesday, 21 September 2016

Viking raid.

Last Fridays game with the lads was a Dark Age raid on a neighbouring village. This was a practice game for the Southern Strategists game that is on tonight. We are using Lion Rampant rules with some miner changes.

A bunch of Vikings having raided a nearby village were on their return journey loaded with loot. The locals have mustered a force together and are waiting in ambush.

If the locals can prevent the raiders from crossing the river with their ill gotten gains they win.

The raiders leaving the town.

The locals start coming out of the trees to stop the raiding party.

The locals are trying to cut off the escape route.

The locals come in from both sides but the raiders are heading straight for home.

 In the end the raiders were a bit too strong for the locals and they managed to get away with the loot.

I will have to even up the numbers for tonight's game.

Sunday, 14 February 2016

Friday night games

We have  had a few games over last couple of Friday nights.
I have been a bit slack at posting the pic's, so here they are.

15mm, WW2, French v Germans using Rapid Fire.
German para's have just been dropped.
 The French were defending against a massive German advance.
 Plenty of artillery and anti-aircraft guns around for the French.

 French forward observer in position in this town sector
 The first run of German para's come in.

 As soon as they landed they were causing havoc behind the French lines.

 The main German thrust arrives and the French limp off to fight another day.

Next up is a Lion Rampant game. It was all about control of the bridge in the centre.
 Brad's lovely terrain made by Clinton.

A couple of units attacking near the town
 Some mounted knights found a ford in the river and went on to cause some trouble.

Pikemen on the road to the bridge.

Archers defending near the town.

 By the end both sides were greatly reduced with only a couple of units left to fight over the bridge.
Apologies for the very poor reports.

Sunday, 2 August 2015

Ducks from Anne and more Lion Rampant

When I made the castle for our Lion Rampant games back at the start of the year I wanted to have some ducks swimming along in the moat. I didn't get around to doing that. However, then I won another blog giveaway, this time from Anne at O'Leary Miniatures.
Anne very kindly gave me $20 to spend at Warbases .  A quick look on their website and I was ordering the ducks. To finish off the order I also ordered a wagon and some 25mm bases.

 The ducks painted up and happily checking out the castle walls.

My thanks to Anne and to Warbases.
 Fantastic service from Warbases, they have a great range of MDF kits and as you might think they do a large number of different bases too.
28mm wagon that will be used in many games I think.
 Have a look at Anne's blog (if you have not been there before), she is a very talented lady, apart from her wonderful figure painting she also plays the drums and is rather fond of a bit of photography.

Warbases is also well worth a visit. Great range of figures, kits and bases and excellent service.


 We had another crack at Lion Rampant last Friday night. Smallish forces attempting to take control of an area containing a number of small farms.

 The main reason for this game was to introduce Phil to the rules.

 On the whole the game went relatively evenly with both sides losing units until Prince Philip squared off against Geoffrey, Duke of Avonhead. Their units clashed and when the Prince ended up being the last man standing the Duke's army fled the field.
Prince Philip standing alone and victorious.
Another enjoyable game with the lads.